- Section 2501. Scope.General. Provisions of this chapter shall g…
- Section 2502. Definitions. The following words and terms shall, for
the pu… - Section 2503. Inspection. Lath and gypsum board shall be inspected
in acco… - Section 2504. Scope. The following requirements shall be met where
constru… - Section 2505. Resistance to shear (wood framing). Wood-framed
shear walls … - Section 2506. General. Gypsum board materials and accessories
shall be ide… - Section 2507. General. Lathing and plastering materials and accessories
sh… - Section 2508. General. Gypsum board and gypsum plaster construction
shall … - Section 2509. Wet areas. Showers and public toilet walls shall conform
to … - Section 2510. General. Exterior and interior cement plaster and lathing
sh… - Section 2511. General. Plastering gypsum plaster or cement plaster
shall n… - Section 2512. General. Plastering with cement plaster shall not be
less th… - Section 2513. General. Exposed natural or integrally colored aggregate
is …