- Section 3301. Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern
safety du… - Section 3302. Remodeling and additions. Required exits, existing
structura… - Section 3303. Construction documents. Construction documents
and a schedul… - Section 3304. Excavation and fill. Excavation and fill for buildings
and s… - Section 3305. Facilities required. Sanitary facilities shall be provided
d… - Section 3306. Protection required. Pedestrians shall be protected
during c… - Section 3307. Protection required. Adjoining public and private
property s… - Section 3308. Storage and handling of materials. The temporary
use of stre… - Section 3309. Where required. All structures under construction,
alteratio… - Section 3310. Stairways required. Where a building has been constructed
to… - Section 3311. Where required. Buildings four stories or more in
height sha… - Section 3312. Completion before occupancy. In buildings where
an automatic…