International Building Code Section 1108

International Building Code 1108.1

General. In addition to the other requirements of this
chapter, the requirements of Sections 1108.2 through 1108.4
shall apply to specific occupancies.

International Building Code 1108.2

Assembly area seating. Assembly areas with fixed
seating shall comply with Sections 1108.2.1 through 1108.2.7.
Dining areas shall comply with Section 1108.2.8. In addition,
lawn seating shall comply with Section 1108.2.5.

Services. Services and facilities provided in areas
not required to be accessible shall be provided on an accessible
level and shall be accessible.

Wheelchair spaces. In theaters, bleachers, grandstands,
stadiums, arenas and other fixed seating assembly
areas, accessible wheelchair spaces complying with ICC
A117.1 shall be provided in accordance with Sections
1108.2.2.1 through 1108.2.2.4.

General seating. Wheelchair spaces shall be
provided in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1

Luxury boxes, club boxes and suites. In
each luxury box, club box, and suite within arenas, stadiums
and grandstands, wheelchair spaces shall be provided
in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1.

Other boxes. In boxes other than those
required to comply with Section 1108.2.2.2, the total
number of wheelchair spaces provided shall be determined
in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1. Wheelchair
spaces shall be located in not less than 20 percent of all
boxes provided.

Team or player seating. At least one wheelchair
space shall be provided in team or player seating
areas serving areas of sport activity.
Exception: Wheelchair spaces shall not be required
in team or player seating areas serving bowling lanes
that are not required to be located on an accessible
route per Section 1109.14.4.1.

Dispersion of wheelchair spaces in multilevel
assembly seating areas. In multilevel assembly seating
areas, wheelchair spaces shall be provided on the main floor
level and on one of each two additional floor or mezzanine
levels. Wheelchair spaces shall be provided in each luxury
box, club box and suite within assembly facilities.
1. In multilevel assembly spaces utilized for worship
services where the second floor or mezzanine level
contains 25 percent or less of the total seating
capacity, wheelchair spaces shall be permitted to
all be located on the main level.
2. In multilevel assembly seating where the second
floor or mezzanine level provides 25 percent or
less of the total seating capacity and 300 or fewer
seats, all wheelchair spaces shall be permitted to be
located on the main level.
3. Wheelchair spaces in team or player seating serving
areas of sport activity are not required to be dispersed.

Designated aisle seats. At least 5 percent, but not
less than one, of the total number of aisle seats provided
shall be designated aisle seats.
Exception: Designated aisle seats are not required in
team or player seating serving areas of sport activity.

Lawn seating. Lawn seating areas and exterior
overflow seating areas, where fixed seats are not provided,
shall connect to an accessible route.

Assistive listening systems. Each assembly area
where audible communications are integral to the use of the
space shall have an assistive listening system.
Exception: Other than in courtrooms, an assistive listening
system is not required where there is no audio amplification

Receivers. Receivers shall be provided for
assistive listening systems in accordance with Table
1. Where a building contains more than one
assembly area, the total number of required
receivers shall be permitted to be calculated
according to the total number of seats in the
assembly areas in the building, provided that all
receivers are usable with all systems and if
assembly areas required to provide assistive listening
are under one management.
2. Where all seats in an assembly area are served
by an induction loop assistive listening system,
the minimum number of receivers required by
Table 1108.2.6.1 to be hearing-aid compatible
shall not be required.

Public address systems. Where stadiums,
arenas and grandstands provide audible public
announcements, they shall also provide equivalent text
information regarding events and facilities in compliance
with Sections 1108. and 1108.

Prerecorded text messages. Where
electronic signs are provided and have the capability to
display prerecorded text messages containing information
that is the same, or substanally tiequivalent, to
information that is provided audibly, signs shall display
text that is equivalent to audible announcements.
Exception: Announcements that cannot be prerecorded
in advance of the event shall not be required
to be displayed.

Real-time messages. Where electronic
signs are provided and have the capability to display
real-time messages containing information that is the
same, or substantially equivalent, to information that
is provided audibly, signs shall display text that is
equivalent to audible announcements.

Performance areas. An accessible route shall
directly connect the performance area to the assembly seating
area where a circulation path directly connects a performance
area to an assembly seating area. An accessible route
shall be provided from performance areas to ancillary areas
or facilities used by performers.

Dining areas. In dining areas, the total floor area
allotted for seating and tables shall be accessible.
1. In buildings or facilities not required to provide an
accessible route between levels, an accessible
route to a mezzanine seating area is not required,
provided that the mezzanine contains less than 25
percent of the total area and the same services are
provided in the accessible area.
2. In sports facilities, tiered dining areas providing
seating required to be accessible shall be required
to have accessible routes serving at least 25 percent
of the dining area, provided that accessible
routes serve accessible seating and where each tier
is provided with the same services.

Dining surfaces. Where dining surfaces for
the consumption of food or drink are provided, at least 5
percent, but not less than one, of the seating and standing
spaces at the dining surfaces shall be accessible and be
distributed throughout the facility.

International Building Code 1108.2.1

Services. Services and facilities provided in areas
not required to be accessible shall be provided on an accessible
level and shall be accessible.

International Building Code 1108.2.2

Wheelchair spaces. In theaters, bleachers, grandstands,
stadiums, arenas and other fixed seating assembly
areas, accessible wheelchair spaces complying with ICC
A117.1 shall be provided in accordance with Sections
1108.2.2.1 through 1108.2.2.4.

General seating. Wheelchair spaces shall be
provided in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1

Luxury boxes, club boxes and suites. In
each luxury box, club box, and suite within arenas, stadiums
and grandstands, wheelchair spaces shall be provided
in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1.

Other boxes. In boxes other than those
required to comply with Section 1108.2.2.2, the total
number of wheelchair spaces provided shall be determined
in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1. Wheelchair
spaces shall be located in not less than 20 percent of all
boxes provided.

Team or player seating. At least one wheelchair
space shall be provided in team or player seating
areas serving areas of sport activity.
Exception: Wheelchair spaces shall not be required
in team or player seating areas serving bowling lanes
that are not required to be located on an accessible
route per Section 1109.14.4.1.

International Building Code 1108.2.2.1

General seating. Wheelchair spaces shall be
provided in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1

International Building Code 1108.2.2.2

Luxury boxes, club boxes and suites. In
each luxury box, club box, and suite within arenas, stadiums
and grandstands, wheelchair spaces shall be provided
in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1.

International Building Code 1108.2.2.3

Other boxes. In boxes other than those
required to comply with Section 1108.2.2.2, the total
number of wheelchair spaces provided shall be determined
in accordance with Table 1108.2.2.1. Wheelchair
spaces shall be located in not less than 20 percent of all
boxes provided.

International Building Code 1108.2.2.4

Team or player seating. At least one wheelchair
space shall be provided in team or player seating
areas serving areas of sport activity.
Exception: Wheelchair spaces shall not be required
in team or player seating areas serving bowling lanes
that are not required to be located on an accessible
route per Section 1109.14.4.1.

International Building Code 1108.2.3

Dispersion of wheelchair spaces in multilevel
assembly seating areas. In multilevel assembly seating
areas, wheelchair spaces shall be provided on the main floor
level and on one of each two additional floor or mezzanine
levels. Wheelchair spaces shall be provided in each luxury
box, club box and suite within assembly facilities.
1. In multilevel assembly spaces utilized for worship
services where the second floor or mezzanine level
contains 25 percent or less of the total seating
capacity, wheelchair spaces shall be permitted to
all be located on the main level.
2. In multilevel assembly seating where the second
floor or mezzanine level provides 25 percent or
less of the total seating capacity and 300 or fewer
seats, all wheelchair spaces shall be permitted to be
located on the main level.
3. Wheelchair spaces in team or player seating serving
areas of sport activity are not required to be dispersed.

International Building Code 1108.2.4

Designated aisle seats. At least 5 percent, but not
less than one, of the total number of aisle seats provided
shall be designated aisle seats.
Exception: Designated aisle seats are not required in
team or player seating serving areas of sport activity.

International Building Code 1108.2.5

Lawn seating. Lawn seating areas and exterior
overflow seating areas, where fixed seats are not provided,
shall connect to an accessible route.

International Building Code 1108.2.6

Assistive listening systems. Each assembly area
where audible communications are integral to the use of the
space shall have an assistive listening system.
Exception: Other than in courtrooms, an assistive listening
system is not required where there is no audio amplification

Receivers. Receivers shall be provided for
assistive listening systems in accordance with Table
1. Where a building contains more than one
assembly area, the total number of required
receivers shall be permitted to be calculated
according to the total number of seats in the
assembly areas in the building, provided that all
receivers are usable with all systems and if
assembly areas required to provide assistive listening
are under one management.
2. Where all seats in an assembly area are served
by an induction loop assistive listening system,
the minimum number of receivers required by
Table 1108.2.6.1 to be hearing-aid compatible
shall not be required.

Public address systems. Where stadiums,
arenas and grandstands provide audible public
announcements, they shall also provide equivalent text
information regarding events and facilities in compliance
with Sections 1108. and 1108.

Prerecorded text messages. Where
electronic signs are provided and have the capability to
display prerecorded text messages containing information
that is the same, or substanally tiequivalent, to
information that is provided audibly, signs shall display
text that is equivalent to audible announcements.
Exception: Announcements that cannot be prerecorded
in advance of the event shall not be required
to be displayed.

Real-time messages. Where electronic
signs are provided and have the capability to display
real-time messages containing information that is the
same, or substantially equivalent, to information that
is provided audibly, signs shall display text that is
equivalent to audible announcements.

International Building Code 1108.2.6.1

Receivers. Receivers shall be provided for
assistive listening systems in accordance with Table
1. Where a building contains more than one
assembly area, the total number of required
receivers shall be permitted to be calculated
according to the total number of seats in the
assembly areas in the building, provided that all
receivers are usable with all systems and if
assembly areas required to provide assistive listening
are under one management.
2. Where all seats in an assembly area are served
by an induction loop assistive listening system,
the minimum number of receivers required by
Table 1108.2.6.1 to be hearing-aid compatible
shall not be required.

International Building Code 1108.2.6.2

Public address systems. Where stadiums,
arenas and grandstands provide audible public
announcements, they shall also provide equivalent text
information regarding events and facilities in compliance
with Sections 1108. and 1108.

Prerecorded text messages. Where
electronic signs are provided and have the capability to
display prerecorded text messages containing information
that is the same, or substanally tiequivalent, to
information that is provided audibly, signs shall display
text that is equivalent to audible announcements.
Exception: Announcements that cannot be prerecorded
in advance of the event shall not be required
to be displayed.

Real-time messages. Where electronic
signs are provided and have the capability to display
real-time messages containing information that is the
same, or substantially equivalent, to information that
is provided audibly, signs shall display text that is
equivalent to audible announcements.

International Building Code 1108.

Prerecorded text messages. Where
electronic signs are provided and have the capability to
display prerecorded text messages containing information
that is the same, or substanally tiequivalent, to
information that is provided audibly, signs shall display
text that is equivalent to audible announcements.
Exception: Announcements that cannot be prerecorded
in advance of the event shall not be required
to be displayed.

International Building Code 1108.

Real-time messages. Where electronic
signs are provided and have the capability to display
real-time messages containing information that is the
same, or substantially equivalent, to information that
is provided audibly, signs shall display text that is
equivalent to audible announcements.

International Building Code 1108.2.7

Performance areas. An accessible route shall
directly connect the performance area to the assembly seating
area where a circulation path directly connects a performance
area to an assembly seating area. An accessible route
shall be provided from performance areas to ancillary areas
or facilities used by performers.

International Building Code 1108.2.8

Dining areas. In dining areas, the total floor area
allotted for seating and tables shall be accessible.
1. In buildings or facilities not required to provide an
accessible route between levels, an accessible
route to a mezzanine seating area is not required,
provided that the mezzanine contains less than 25
percent of the total area and the same services are
provided in the accessible area.
2. In sports facilities, tiered dining areas providing
seating required to be accessible shall be required
to have accessible routes serving at least 25 percent
of the dining area, provided that accessible
routes serve accessible seating and where each tier
is provided with the same services.

Dining surfaces. Where dining surfaces for
the consumption of food or drink are provided, at least 5
percent, but not less than one, of the seating and standing
spaces at the dining surfaces shall be accessible and be
distributed throughout the facility.

International Building Code 1108.2.8.1

Dining surfaces. Where dining surfaces for
the consumption of food or drink are provided, at least 5
percent, but not less than one, of the seating and standing
spaces at the dining surfaces shall be accessible and be
distributed throughout the facility.

International Building Code 1108.3

Self-service storage facilities. Self-service storage
facilities shall provide accessible individual self-storage
spaces in accordance with Table 1108.3.

Dispersion. Accessible individual self-service
storage spaces shall be dispersed throughout the various
classes of spaces provided. Where more classes of spaces
are provided than the number of required accessible spaces,
the number of accessible spaces shall not be required to
exceed that required by Table 1108.3. Accessible spaces are
permitted to be dispersed in a single building of a
multibuilding facility.

International Building Code 1108.3.1

Dispersion. Accessible individual self-service
storage spaces shall be dispersed throughout the various
classes of spaces provided. Where more classes of spaces
are provided than the number of required accessible spaces,
the number of accessible spaces shall not be required to
exceed that required by Table 1108.3. Accessible spaces are
permitted to be dispersed in a single building of a
multibuilding facility.

International Building Code 1108.4

Judicial facilities. Judicial facilities shall comply with
Sections 1108.4.1 through 1108.4.3.

Courtrooms. Each courtroom shall be accessible.

Holding cells. Central holding cells and
court-floor holding cells shall comply with Sections
1108.4.2.1 and 1108.4.2.2.

Central holding cells. Where separate central
holding cells are provided for adult males, juvenile
males, adult females or juvenile females, one of each
type shall be accessible. Where central holding cells are
provided and are not separated by age or sex, at least one
accessible cell shall be provided.

Court-floor holding cells. Where separate
court-floor holding cells are provided for adult males,
juvenile males, adult females or juvenile females, each
courtroom shall be served by one accessible cell of each
type. Where court-floor holding cells are provided and
are not separated by age or sex, courtrooms shall be
served by at least one accessible cell. Accessible cells
shall be permitted to serve more than one courtroom.

Visiting areas. Visiting areas shall comply with
Sections 1108.4.3.1 and 1108.4.3.2.

Cubicles and counters. At least 5 percent
but no fewer than one of the cubicles shall be accessible
on both the visitor and detainee sides. Where counters
are provided, at least one shall be accessible on both the
visitor and detainee sides.
Exception: This requirement shall not apply to the
detainee side of cubicles or counters at noncontact
visiting areas not serving Accessible unit holding

Partitions. Where solid partitions or security
glazing separate visitors from detainees, at least one of
each type of cubicle or counter partition shall be accessible.

International Building Code 1108.4.1

Courtrooms. Each courtroom shall be accessible.

International Building Code 1108.4.2

Holding cells. Central holding cells and
court-floor holding cells shall comply with Sections
1108.4.2.1 and 1108.4.2.2.

Central holding cells. Where separate central
holding cells are provided for adult males, juvenile
males, adult females or juvenile females, one of each
type shall be accessible. Where central holding cells are
provided and are not separated by age or sex, at least one
accessible cell shall be provided.

Court-floor holding cells. Where separate
court-floor holding cells are provided for adult males,
juvenile males, adult females or juvenile females, each
courtroom shall be served by one accessible cell of each
type. Where court-floor holding cells are provided and
are not separated by age or sex, courtrooms shall be
served by at least one accessible cell. Accessible cells
shall be permitted to serve more than one courtroom.

International Building Code 1108.4.2.1

Central holding cells. Where separate central
holding cells are provided for adult males, juvenile
males, adult females or juvenile females, one of each
type shall be accessible. Where central holding cells are
provided and are not separated by age or sex, at least one
accessible cell shall be provided.

International Building Code 1108.4.2.2

Court-floor holding cells. Where separate
court-floor holding cells are provided for adult males,
juvenile males, adult females or juvenile females, each
courtroom shall be served by one accessible cell of each
type. Where court-floor holding cells are provided and
are not separated by age or sex, courtrooms shall be
served by at least one accessible cell. Accessible cells
shall be permitted to serve more than one courtroom.

International Building Code 1108.4.3

Visiting areas. Visiting areas shall comply with
Sections 1108.4.3.1 and 1108.4.3.2.

Cubicles and counters. At least 5 percent
but no fewer than one of the cubicles shall be accessible
on both the visitor and detainee sides. Where counters
are provided, at least one shall be accessible on both the
visitor and detainee sides.
Exception: This requirement shall not apply to the
detainee side of cubicles or counters at noncontact
visiting areas not serving Accessible unit holding

Partitions. Where solid partitions or security
glazing separate visitors from detainees, at least one of
each type of cubicle or counter partition shall be accessible.

International Building Code 1108.4.3.1

Cubicles and counters. At least 5 percent
but no fewer than one of the cubicles shall be accessible
on both the visitor and detainee sides. Where counters
are provided, at least one shall be accessible on both the
visitor and detainee sides.
Exception: This requirement shall not apply to the
detainee side of cubicles or counters at noncontact
visiting areas not serving Accessible unit holding

International Building Code 1108.4.3.2

Partitions. Where solid partitions or security
glazing separate visitors from detainees, at least one of
each type of cubicle or counter partition shall be accessible.