International Building Code Section 907

International Building Code 907.1

General. This section covers the application, installation,
performance and maintenance of fire alarm systems and
their components.

Construction documents. Construction documents
for fire alarm systems shall be submitted for review
and approval prior to system installation. Construction documents
shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
1. A floor plan which indicates the use of all rooms.
2. Locations of alarm-initiating and notification appliances.
3. Alarm control and trouble signaling equipment.
4. Annunciation.
5. Power connection.
6. Battery calculations.
7. Conductor type and sizes.
8. Voltage drop calculations.
9. Manufacturers, model numbers and listing information
for equipment, devices and materials.
10. Details of ceiling height and construction.
11. The interface of fire safety control functions.

Equipment. Systems and their components
shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they
are installed.

International Building Code 907.1.1

Construction documents. Construction documents
for fire alarm systems shall be submitted for review
and approval prior to system installation. Construction documents
shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
1. A floor plan which indicates the use of all rooms.
2. Locations of alarm-initiating and notification appliances.
3. Alarm control and trouble signaling equipment.
4. Annunciation.
5. Power connection.
6. Battery calculations.
7. Conductor type and sizes.
8. Voltage drop calculations.
9. Manufacturers, model numbers and listing information
for equipment, devices and materials.
10. Details of ceiling height and construction.
11. The interface of fire safety control functions.

International Building Code 907.1.2

Equipment. Systems and their components
shall be listed and approved for the purpose for which they
are installed.

International Building Code 907.10

Fire safety functions. Automatic fire detectors utilized
for the purpose of performing fire safety functions shall
be connected to the building’s fire alarm control panel where a
fire alarm system is required by Section 907.2. Detectors shall,
upon actuation, perform the intended function and activate the
alarm notification appliances or a visible and audible supervisory
signal at a constantly attended location. In buildings not
required to be equipped with a fire alarm system, the automatic
fire detector shall be powered by normal electrical service and,
upon actuation, perform the intended function. The detectors
shall be located in accordance with NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.11

Duct smoke detectors. Duct smoke detectors shall
be connected to the building’s fire alarm control panel when a
fire alarm system is provided. Activation of a duct smoke
detector shall initiate a visible and audible supervisory signal at
a constantly attended location. Duct smoke detectors shall not
be used as a substitute for required open-area detection.
1. The supervisory signal at a constantly attended location
is not required where duct smoke detectors activate
the building’s alarm notification appliances.
2. In occupancies not required to be equipped with a fire
alarm system, actuation of a smoke detector shall activate
a visible and audible signal in an approved location.
Smoke detector trouble conditions shall activate
a visible or audible signal in an approved location and
shall be identified as air duct detector trouble.

International Building Code 907.12

Access. Access shall be provided to each detector
for periodic inspection, maintenance and testing.

International Building Code 907.13

Fire-extinguishing systems. Automatic fire-extinguishing
systems shall be connected to the building fire alarm
system where a fire alarm system is required by another section
of this code or is otherwise installed.

International Building Code 907.14

Monitoring. Fire alarm systems required by this
chapter or the International Fire Code shall be monitored by an
approved supervising station in accordance with NFPA 72.
Exception: Supervisory service is not required for:
1. Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms required
by Section 907.2.10.
2. Smoke detectors in Group I-3 occupancies.
3. Automatic sprinkler systems in one- and two-family

International Building Code 907.15

Automatic telephone-dialing devices. Automatic
telephone-dialing devices used to transmit an emergency alarm
shall not be connected to any fire department telephone number
unless approved by the fire chief.

International Building Code 907.16

Acceptance tests. Upon completion of the installation
of the fire alarm system, alarm notification appliances and
circuits, alarm-initiating devices and circuits, supervisory-signal
initiating devices and circuits, signaling line circuits, and
primary and secondary power supplies shall be tested in accordance
with NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.17

Record of completion. A record of completion in
accordance with NFPA 72 verifying that the system has been
installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications
shall be provided.

International Building Code 907.18

Instructions. Operating, testing and maintenance
instructions, and record drawings (“as builts”) and equipment
specifications shall be provided at an approved location.

International Building Code 907.19

Inspection, testing and maintenance. The maintenance
and testing schedules and procedures for fire alarm and
fire detection systems shall be in accordance with the International
Fire Code.

International Building Code 907.2

Where required. An approved manual, automatic or
manual and automatic fire alarm system installed in accordance
with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72 shall be
provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with
Sections 907.2.1 through 907.2.23 and provide occupant notification
in accordance with Section 907.9, unless other requirements
are provided by another section of this code. Where
automatic sprinkler protection installed in accordance with
Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 is provided and connected to the
building fire alarm system, automatic heat detection required
by this section shall not be required.
The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors.
Where ambient conditions prohibit installation of automatic
smoke detection, other automatic fire detection shall be

Group A. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group A occupancies having an occupant load
of 300 or more. Portions of Group E occupancies occupied
for assembly purposes shall be provided with a fire alarm
system as required for the Group E occupancy.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances
will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

System initiation in Group A occupancies
with an occupant load of 1,000 or more. Activation
of the fire alarm in Group A occupancies with an
occupant load of 1,000 or more shall initiate a signal
using an emergency voice/alarm communications system
in accordance with NFPA 72.
Exception: Where approved, the prerecorded
announcement is allowed to be manually deactivated
for a period of time, not to exceed 3 minutes, for the
sole purpose of allowing a live voice announcement
from an approved, constantly attended location.

Emergency power. Emergency
voice/alarm communications systems shall be provided
with an approved emergency power source.

Group B. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group B occupancies having an occupant load
of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
below the lowest level of exit discharge.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances
will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

Group E. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group E occupancies. When automatic sprinkler
systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems
or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm
1. Group E occupancies with an occupant load of less
than 50.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required in Group
E occupancies where all the following apply:
2.1. Interior corridors are protected by smoke
detectors with alarm verification.
2.2. Auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums and
the like are protected by heat detectors or
other approved detection devices.
2.3. Shops and laboratories involving dusts or
vapors are protected by heat detectors or
other approved detection devices.
2.4. Off-premises monitoring is provided.
2.5. The capability to activate the evacuation
signal from a central point is provided.
2.6. In buildings where normally occupied
spaces are provided with a two-way communication
system between such spaces
and a constantly attended receiving station
from where a general evacuation alarm can
be sounded, except in locations specifically
designated by the fire code official.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in
Group E occupancies where the building is
equipped throughout with an approved automatic
sprinkler system, the notification appliances will
activate on sprinkler water flow and manual activation
is provided from a normally occupied location.

Group F. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group F occupancies that are two or more stories
in height and have an occupant load of 500 or more
above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
when the building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the notification appliances
will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

Group H. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group H-5 occupancies and in occupancies used
for the manufacture of organic coatings. An automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed for highly toxic
gases, organic peroxides and oxidizers in accordance with
Chapters 37, 39 and 40, respectively, of the International
Fire Code.

Group I. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group I occupancies. An electrically supervised,
automatic smoke detection system shall be provided
in accordance with Sections 907.2.6.1 and 907.2.6.2.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes in resident or
patient sleeping areas of Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies
shall not be required at exits if located at all nurses’ control
stations or other constantly attended staff locations,
provided such stations are visible and continuously
accessible and that travel distances required in Section
907.3.1 are not exceeded.

Group I-1. Corridors, habitable spaces
other than sleeping units and kitchens and waiting areas
that are open to corridors shall be equipped with an automatic
smoke detection system.
1. Smoke detection in habitable spaces is not
required where the facility is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system.
2. Smoke detection is not required for exterior

Group I-2. Corridors in nursing homes (both
intermediate care and skilled nursing facilities), detoxification
facilities and spaces permitted to be open to the corridors
by Section 407.2 shall be equippedwith an automatic
fire detection system. Hospitals shall be equipped with
smoke detection as required in Section 407.2.
1. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain patient sleeping
units where patient sleeping units are provided
with smoke detectors that comply with
UL 268. Such detectors shall provide a visual
display on the corridor side of each patient
sleeping unit and an audible and visual alarm at
the nursing station attending each unit.
2. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain patient sleeping
units where patient sleeping unit doors are
equipped with automatic door-closing devices
with integral smoke detectors on the unit sides
installed in accordance with their listing, provided
that the integral detectors perform the
required alerting function.

Group I-3. Group I-3 occupancies shall be
equipped with a manual and automatic fire alarm system
installed for alerting staff.

System initiation. Actuation of an
automatic fire-extinguishing system, a manual fire
alarm box or a fire detector shall initiate an approved
fire alarm signal which automatically notifies staff.
Presignal systems shall not be used.

Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual
fire alarm boxes are not required to be located in
accordance with Section 907.3 where the fire alarm
boxes are provided at staff-attended locations having
direct supervision over areas where manual fire alarm
boxes have been omitted.
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be
locked in areas occupied by detainees, provided that
staff members are present within the subject area and
have keys readily available to operate the manual fire
alarm boxes.

Smoke detectors. An approved automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed
throughout resident housing areas, including sleeping
units and contiguous day rooms, group activity spaces
and other common spaces normally accessible to residents.
1. Other approved smoke detection arrangements
providing equivalent protection
including, but not limited to, placing detectors
in exhaust ducts from cells or behind
protective guards listed for the purpose are
allowed when necessary to prevent damage
or tampering.
2. Sleeping units in Use Conditions 2 and 3.
3. Smoke detectors are not required in sleeping
units with four or fewer occupants in smoke
compartments that are equipped throughout
with an approved automatic sprinkler system.

Group M. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group M occupancies having an occupant load
of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
below the lowest level of exit discharge. The initiation of a
signal from a manual fire alarm box shall initiate alarm notification
appliances as required by Section 907.9.
1. Covered mall buildings complying with Section
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required where the
building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances
will automatically activate upon sprinkler
water flow.

Occupant notification. During times that
the building is occupied, the initiation of a signal from a
manual fire alarm box or from a water flow switch shall
not be required to activate the alarm notification appliances
when an alarm signal is activated at a constantly
attended location from which evacuation instructions
shall be initiated over an emergency voice/alarm communication
system installed in accordance with Section
The emergency voice/alarm communication system
shall be allowed to be used for other announcements provided
the manual fire alarm use takes precedence over
any other use.

Group R-1. Fire alarm systems shall be
installed in Group R-1 occupancies as required in Sections
907.2.8.1 through 907.2.8.3.

Manual fire alarm system. A manual fire
alarm system shall be installed in Group R-1 occupancies.
1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
buildings not more than two stories in height
where all individual sleeping units and contiguous
attic and crawl spaces are separated from
each other and public or common areas by at
least 1-hour fire partitions and each individual
sleeping unit has an exit directly to a public
way, exit court or yard.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
throughout the building when the following
conditions are met:
2.1. The building is equipped throughout with
an automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
2.2. The notification appliances will activate
upon sprinkler water flow; and
2.3. At least one manual fire alarm box is
installed at an approved location.

Automatic fire alarm system. An automatic
fire alarm system shall be installed throughout all
interior corridors serving sleeping units.
Exception: An automatic fire detection system is not
required in buildings that do not have interior corridors
serving sleeping units and where each sleeping
unit has a means of egress door opening directly to an
exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit.

Smoke alarms. Smoke alarms shall be
installed as required by Section 907.2.10. In buildings
that are not equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the smoke alarms in sleeping
units shall be connected to an emergency electrical system
and shall be annunciated by sleeping unit at a constantly
attended location from which the fire alarm
system is capable of being manually activated.

Group R-2.Amanual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group R-2 occupancies where:
1. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located three or
more stories above the lowest level of exit discharge;
2. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located more
than one story below the highest level of exit discharge
of exits serving the dwelling unit or sleeping
unit; or
3. The building contains more than 16 dwelling units or
sleeping units.
1. A fire alarm system is not required in buildings
not more than two stories in height
where all dwelling units or sleeping units
and contiguous attic and crawl spaces are
separated from each other and public or
common areas by at least 1-hour fire partitions
and each dwelling unit or sleeping unit
has an exit directly to a public way, exit court
or yard.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
throughout the building when the following
conditions are met:
2.1. The building is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system
in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or Section 903.3.1.2; and
2.2. The notification appliances will activate
upon sprinkler flow.
3. A fire alarm system is not required in buildings
that do not have interior corridors serving
dwelling units and are protected by an
approved automatic sprinkler system
installed in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, provided that dwelling
units either have a means of egress door
opening directly to an exterior exit access
that leads directly to the exits or are served
by open-ended corridors designed in accordance
with Section 1023.6, Exception 4.

Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms.
Listed single- and multiple-station smoke alarms complying
with UL 217 shall be installed in accordance with the
provisions of this code and the household fire-warning
equipment provisions of NFPA 72.

Where required. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in the locations
described in Sections 907. through 907.

Group R-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in all of the following
locations in Group R-1:
1. In sleeping areas.
2. In every room in the path of the means of egress
from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
3. In each story within the sleeping unit, including
basements. For sleeping units with split levels
and without an intervening door between the
adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the
upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower
level provided that the lower level is less than
one full story below the upper level.

Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1. Single-
or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be
installed and maintained in Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and
I-1, regardless of occupant load at all of the following
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate
sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms.
2. In each room used for sleeping purposes.
3. In each story within a dwelling unit, including
basements but not including crawl spaces and
uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling
units with split levels and without an intervening
door between the adjacent levels, a smoke
alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice
for the adjacent lower level provided that the
lower level is less than one full story below the
upper level.

Group I-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in
sleeping areas in Group I-1 occupancies.
Exception: Single- or multiple-station smoke
alarms shall not be required where the building is
equipped throughout with an automatic fire detection
system in accordance with Section 907.2.6.

Power source. In new construction,
required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power
from the building wiring where such wiring is served
from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a
battery backup. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when
the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and
without a disconnecting switch other than as required for
overcurrent protection.
Exception: Smoke alarms are not required to be
equipped with battery backup in Group R-1 where
they are connected to an emergency electrical system.

Interconnection. Where more than one
smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual
dwelling unit in Group R-2, R-3 or R-4, or within an
individual dwelling unit or sleeping unit in Group R-1,
the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner
that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the
alarms in the individual unit. The alarm shall be clearly
audible in all bedrooms over background noise levels
with all intervening doors closed.

Acceptance testing. When the installation
of the alarm devices is complete, each detector and
interconnecting wiring for multiple-station alarm
devices shall be tested in accordance with the household
fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72.

Special amusement buildings. An approved
automatic smoke detection system shall be provided in special
amusement buildings in accordance with this section.
Exception: In areas where ambient conditions will cause
a smoke detection system to alarm, an approved alternative
type of automatic detector shall be installed.

Alarm. Activation of any single smoke
detector, the automatic sprinkler system or any other
automatic fire detection device shall immediately sound
an alarm at the building at a constantly attended location
from which emergency action can be initiated, including
the capability of manual initiation of requirements in
Section 907.2.11.2.

System response. The activation of two
or more smoke detectors, a single smoke detector with
alarm verification, the automatic sprinkler system or
other approved fire detection device shall automatically:
1. Cause illumination of the means of egress with
light of not less than 1 foot-candle (11 lux) at the
walking surface level;
2. Stop any conflicting or confusing sounds and
visual distractions; and
3. Activate an approved directional exit marking that
will become apparent in an emergency.
Such system response shall also include activation
of a prerecorded message, clearly audible
throughout the special amusement building,
instructing patrons to proceed to the nearest exit.
Alarm signals used in conjunction with the prerecorded
message shall produce a sound which is
distinctive from other sounds used during normal
The wiring to the auxiliary devices and equipment
used to accomplish the above fire safety
functions shall be monitored for integrity in accordance
with NFPA 72.

Emergency voice/alarm communication
system. An emergency voice/alarm communication
system, which is also allowed to serve as a public address
system, shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72,
and shall be audible throughout the entire special amusement

High-rise buildings. Buildings with a floor
used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet (22
860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle
access shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system
and an emergency voice/alarm communication system in
accordance with Section 907.2.12.2.
1. Airport traffic control towers in accordance with
Sections 412 and 907.2.22.
2. Open parking garages in accordance with Section
3. Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5.
4. Low-hazard special occupancies in accordance
with Section 503.1.1.
5. Buildings with an occupancy in Group H-1, H-2 or
H-3 in accordance with Section 415.

Automatic fire detection. Smoke detectors
shall be provided in accordance with this section.
Smoke detectors shall be connected to an automatic fire
alarm system. The activation of any detector required by
this section shall operate the emergency voice/alarm
communication system. Smoke detectors shall be
located as follows:
1. In each mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer,
telephone equipment or similar room
which is not provided with sprinkler protection,
elevator machine rooms and in elevator lobbies.
2. In the main return air and exhaust air plenum of
each air-conditioning system having a capacity
greater than 2,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm)
(0.94 m3/s). Such detectors shall be located in a
serviceable area downstream of the last duct inlet.
3. At each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving
two or more stories from a return air duct or
plenum of an air-conditioning system. In Group
R-1 and R-2 occupancies a listed smoke detector is
allowed to be used in each return air riser carrying
not more than 5,000 cfm (2.4m3/s) and serving not
more than 10 air inlet openings.

Emergency voice/alarm communication
system. The operation of any automatic fire detector,
sprinkler water-flow device or manual fire alarm box
shall automatically sound an alert tone followed by voice
instructions giving approved information and directions
for a general or staged evacuation on a minimum of the
alarming floor, the floor above and the floor below in
accordance with the building’s fire safety and evacuation
plans required by Section 404 of the International Fire
Code. Speakers shall be provided throughout the building
by paging zones. As a minimum, paging zones shall
be provided as follows:
1. Elevator groups.
2. Exit stairways.
3. Each floor.
4. Areas of refuge as defined in Section 1002.1.
Exception: In Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies, the
alarm shall sound in a constantly attended area and a
general occupant notification shall be broadcast over
the overhead page.

Manual override. A manual override
for emergency voice communication shall be
provided on a selective and all-call basis for all paging

Live voice messages. The emergency
voice/alarm communication system shall also
have the capability to broadcast live voice messages
through paging zones on a selective and all-call basis.

Standard. The emergency voice/
alarm communication system shall be designed and
installed in accordance with NFPA 72.

Fire department communication system.
An approved two-way, fire department communication
system designed and installed in accordance with
NFPA 72 shall be provided for fire department use. It
shall operate between a fire command center complying
with Section 911 and elevators, elevator lobbies, emergency
and standby power rooms, fire pump rooms, areas
of refuge and inside enclosed exit stairways. The fire
department communication device shall be provided at
each floor level within the enclosed stairway.
Exception: Fire department radio systems where
approved by the fire department.

Atriums connecting more than two stories.
Afire alarm system shall be installed in occupancies with an
atrium that connects more than two stories. The system shall
be activated in accordance with Section 907.6. Such occupancies
in Group A, E orMshall be provided with an emer-
gency voice/alarm communication system complying with
the requirements of Section 907.2.12.2.

High-piled combustible storage areas. An
automatic fire detection system shall be installed throughout
high-piled combustible storage areas where required by
the International Fire Code.

Delayed egress locks. Where delayed egress
locks are installed on means of egress doors in accordance
with Section 1008.1.8.6, an automatic smoke or heat detection
system shall be installed as required by that section.

Aerosol storage uses. Aerosol storage rooms
and general-purpose warehouses containing aerosols shall
be provided with an approved manual fire alarm system
where required by the International Fire Code.

Lumber, wood structural panel and veneer
mills. Lumber, wood structural panel and veneer mills shall
be provided with a manual fire alarm system.

Underground buildings with smoke exhaust
system. Where a smoke exhaust system is installed in an
underground building in accordance with this code, automatic
fire detectors shall be provided in accordance with
this section.

Smoke detectors. A minimum of one
smoke detector listed for the intended purpose shall be
installed in the following areas:
1. Mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer,
telephone equipment, elevator machine or similar
2. Elevator lobbies.
3. The main return and exhaust air plenum of each
air-conditioning system serving more than one
story and located in a serviceable area downstream
of the last duct inlet.
4. Each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving
two or more floors from return air ducts or plenums
of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
systems, except that in Group R occupancies, a
listed smoke detector is allowed to be used in each
return air riser carrying not more than 5,000 cfm
(2.4 m3/s) and serving not more than 10 air inlet

Alarm required. Activation of the smoke
exhaust system shall activate an audible alarm at a constantly
attended location.

Underground buildings. Where the lowest
level of a structure is more than 60 feet (18 288 mm) below
the lowest level of exit discharge, the structure shall be
equipped throughout with a manual fire alarm system,
including an emergency voice/alarm communication system
installed in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2.

Public address system. Where a fire
alarm system is not required by Section 907.2, a public
address system shall be provided that shall be capable of
transmitting voice communications to the highest level
of exit discharge serving the underground portions of the
structure and all levels below.

Covered mall buildings. Covered mall buildings
exceeding 50,000 square feet (4645 m2) in total floor
area shall be provided with an emergency voice/alarm communication
system. An emergency voice/alarm communication
system serving a mall, required or otherwise, shall be
accessible to the fire department. The system shall be provided
in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2.

Residential aircraft hangars. A minimum of
one listed smoke alarm shall be installed within a residential
aircraft hangar as defined in Section 412.3.1 and shall be
interconnected into the residential smoke alarm or other
sounding device to provide an alarm that will be audible in
all sleeping areas of the dwelling.

Airport traffic control towers. An automatic
fire detection system shall be provided in airport traffic control

Battery rooms. An approved automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed in areas containing
stationary storage battery systems having a liquid capacity
of more than 50 gallons (189.3 L). The detection system
shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or
remote station service or a local alarm that will sound an
audible signal at a constantly attended location.

International Building Code 907.2.1

Group A. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group A occupancies having an occupant load
of 300 or more. Portions of Group E occupancies occupied
for assembly purposes shall be provided with a fire alarm
system as required for the Group E occupancy.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances
will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

System initiation in Group A occupancies
with an occupant load of 1,000 or more. Activation
of the fire alarm in Group A occupancies with an
occupant load of 1,000 or more shall initiate a signal
using an emergency voice/alarm communications system
in accordance with NFPA 72.
Exception: Where approved, the prerecorded
announcement is allowed to be manually deactivated
for a period of time, not to exceed 3 minutes, for the
sole purpose of allowing a live voice announcement
from an approved, constantly attended location.

Emergency power. Emergency
voice/alarm communications systems shall be provided
with an approved emergency power source.

International Building Code 907.2.1.1

System initiation in Group A occupancies
with an occupant load of 1,000 or more. Activation
of the fire alarm in Group A occupancies with an
occupant load of 1,000 or more shall initiate a signal
using an emergency voice/alarm communications system
in accordance with NFPA 72.
Exception: Where approved, the prerecorded
announcement is allowed to be manually deactivated
for a period of time, not to exceed 3 minutes, for the
sole purpose of allowing a live voice announcement
from an approved, constantly attended location.

International Building Code 907.2.1.2

Emergency power. Emergency
voice/alarm communications systems shall be provided
with an approved emergency power source.

International Building Code 907.2.10

Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms.
Listed single- and multiple-station smoke alarms complying
with UL 217 shall be installed in accordance with the
provisions of this code and the household fire-warning
equipment provisions of NFPA 72.

Where required. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in the locations
described in Sections 907. through 907.

Group R-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in all of the following
locations in Group R-1:
1. In sleeping areas.
2. In every room in the path of the means of egress
from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
3. In each story within the sleeping unit, including
basements. For sleeping units with split levels
and without an intervening door between the
adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the
upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower
level provided that the lower level is less than
one full story below the upper level.

Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1. Single-
or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be
installed and maintained in Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and
I-1, regardless of occupant load at all of the following
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate
sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms.
2. In each room used for sleeping purposes.
3. In each story within a dwelling unit, including
basements but not including crawl spaces and
uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling
units with split levels and without an intervening
door between the adjacent levels, a smoke
alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice
for the adjacent lower level provided that the
lower level is less than one full story below the
upper level.

Group I-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in
sleeping areas in Group I-1 occupancies.
Exception: Single- or multiple-station smoke
alarms shall not be required where the building is
equipped throughout with an automatic fire detection
system in accordance with Section 907.2.6.

Power source. In new construction,
required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power
from the building wiring where such wiring is served
from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a
battery backup. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when
the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and
without a disconnecting switch other than as required for
overcurrent protection.
Exception: Smoke alarms are not required to be
equipped with battery backup in Group R-1 where
they are connected to an emergency electrical system.

Interconnection. Where more than one
smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual
dwelling unit in Group R-2, R-3 or R-4, or within an
individual dwelling unit or sleeping unit in Group R-1,
the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner
that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the
alarms in the individual unit. The alarm shall be clearly
audible in all bedrooms over background noise levels
with all intervening doors closed.

Acceptance testing. When the installation
of the alarm devices is complete, each detector and
interconnecting wiring for multiple-station alarm
devices shall be tested in accordance with the household
fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.2.10.1

Where required. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in the locations
described in Sections 907. through 907.

Group R-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in all of the following
locations in Group R-1:
1. In sleeping areas.
2. In every room in the path of the means of egress
from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
3. In each story within the sleeping unit, including
basements. For sleeping units with split levels
and without an intervening door between the
adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the
upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower
level provided that the lower level is less than
one full story below the upper level.

Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1. Single-
or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be
installed and maintained in Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and
I-1, regardless of occupant load at all of the following
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate
sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms.
2. In each room used for sleeping purposes.
3. In each story within a dwelling unit, including
basements but not including crawl spaces and
uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling
units with split levels and without an intervening
door between the adjacent levels, a smoke
alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice
for the adjacent lower level provided that the
lower level is less than one full story below the
upper level.

Group I-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in
sleeping areas in Group I-1 occupancies.
Exception: Single- or multiple-station smoke
alarms shall not be required where the building is
equipped throughout with an automatic fire detection
system in accordance with Section 907.2.6.

International Building Code 907.

Group R-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed in all of the following
locations in Group R-1:
1. In sleeping areas.
2. In every room in the path of the means of egress
from the sleeping area to the door leading from
the sleeping unit.
3. In each story within the sleeping unit, including
basements. For sleeping units with split levels
and without an intervening door between the
adjacent levels, a smoke alarm installed on the
upper level shall suffice for the adjacent lower
level provided that the lower level is less than
one full story below the upper level.

International Building Code 907.

Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1. Single-
or multiple-station smoke alarms shall be
installed and maintained in Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and
I-1, regardless of occupant load at all of the following
1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate
sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms.
2. In each room used for sleeping purposes.
3. In each story within a dwelling unit, including
basements but not including crawl spaces and
uninhabitable attics. In dwellings or dwelling
units with split levels and without an intervening
door between the adjacent levels, a smoke
alarm installed on the upper level shall suffice
for the adjacent lower level provided that the
lower level is less than one full story below the
upper level.

International Building Code 907.

Group I-1. Single- or multiple-station
smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in
sleeping areas in Group I-1 occupancies.
Exception: Single- or multiple-station smoke
alarms shall not be required where the building is
equipped throughout with an automatic fire detection
system in accordance with Section 907.2.6.

International Building Code 907.2.10.2

Power source. In new construction,
required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power
from the building wiring where such wiring is served
from a commercial source and shall be equipped with a
battery backup. Smoke alarms shall emit a signal when
the batteries are low. Wiring shall be permanent and
without a disconnecting switch other than as required for
overcurrent protection.
Exception: Smoke alarms are not required to be
equipped with battery backup in Group R-1 where
they are connected to an emergency electrical system.

International Building Code 907.2.10.3

Interconnection. Where more than one
smoke alarm is required to be installed within an individual
dwelling unit in Group R-2, R-3 or R-4, or within an
individual dwelling unit or sleeping unit in Group R-1,
the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner
that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the
alarms in the individual unit. The alarm shall be clearly
audible in all bedrooms over background noise levels
with all intervening doors closed.

International Building Code 907.2.10.4

Acceptance testing. When the installation
of the alarm devices is complete, each detector and
interconnecting wiring for multiple-station alarm
devices shall be tested in accordance with the household
fire warning equipment provisions of NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.2.11

Special amusement buildings. An approved
automatic smoke detection system shall be provided in special
amusement buildings in accordance with this section.
Exception: In areas where ambient conditions will cause
a smoke detection system to alarm, an approved alternative
type of automatic detector shall be installed.

Alarm. Activation of any single smoke
detector, the automatic sprinkler system or any other
automatic fire detection device shall immediately sound
an alarm at the building at a constantly attended location
from which emergency action can be initiated, including
the capability of manual initiation of requirements in
Section 907.2.11.2.

System response. The activation of two
or more smoke detectors, a single smoke detector with
alarm verification, the automatic sprinkler system or
other approved fire detection device shall automatically:
1. Cause illumination of the means of egress with
light of not less than 1 foot-candle (11 lux) at the
walking surface level;
2. Stop any conflicting or confusing sounds and
visual distractions; and
3. Activate an approved directional exit marking that
will become apparent in an emergency.
Such system response shall also include activation
of a prerecorded message, clearly audible
throughout the special amusement building,
instructing patrons to proceed to the nearest exit.
Alarm signals used in conjunction with the prerecorded
message shall produce a sound which is
distinctive from other sounds used during normal
The wiring to the auxiliary devices and equipment
used to accomplish the above fire safety
functions shall be monitored for integrity in accordance
with NFPA 72.

Emergency voice/alarm communication
system. An emergency voice/alarm communication
system, which is also allowed to serve as a public address
system, shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72,
and shall be audible throughout the entire special amusement

International Building Code 907.2.11.1

Alarm. Activation of any single smoke
detector, the automatic sprinkler system or any other
automatic fire detection device shall immediately sound
an alarm at the building at a constantly attended location
from which emergency action can be initiated, including
the capability of manual initiation of requirements in
Section 907.2.11.2.

International Building Code 907.2.11.2

System response. The activation of two
or more smoke detectors, a single smoke detector with
alarm verification, the automatic sprinkler system or
other approved fire detection device shall automatically:
1. Cause illumination of the means of egress with
light of not less than 1 foot-candle (11 lux) at the
walking surface level;
2. Stop any conflicting or confusing sounds and
visual distractions; and
3. Activate an approved directional exit marking that
will become apparent in an emergency.
Such system response shall also include activation
of a prerecorded message, clearly audible
throughout the special amusement building,
instructing patrons to proceed to the nearest exit.
Alarm signals used in conjunction with the prerecorded
message shall produce a sound which is
distinctive from other sounds used during normal
The wiring to the auxiliary devices and equipment
used to accomplish the above fire safety
functions shall be monitored for integrity in accordance
with NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.2.11.3

Emergency voice/alarm communication
system. An emergency voice/alarm communication
system, which is also allowed to serve as a public address
system, shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72,
and shall be audible throughout the entire special amusement

International Building Code 907.2.12

High-rise buildings. Buildings with a floor
used for human occupancy located more than 75 feet (22
860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle
access shall be provided with an automatic fire alarm system
and an emergency voice/alarm communication system in
accordance with Section 907.2.12.2.
1. Airport traffic control towers in accordance with
Sections 412 and 907.2.22.
2. Open parking garages in accordance with Section
3. Buildings with an occupancy in Group A-5.
4. Low-hazard special occupancies in accordance
with Section 503.1.1.
5. Buildings with an occupancy in Group H-1, H-2 or
H-3 in accordance with Section 415.

Automatic fire detection. Smoke detectors
shall be provided in accordance with this section.
Smoke detectors shall be connected to an automatic fire
alarm system. The activation of any detector required by
this section shall operate the emergency voice/alarm
communication system. Smoke detectors shall be
located as follows:
1. In each mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer,
telephone equipment or similar room
which is not provided with sprinkler protection,
elevator machine rooms and in elevator lobbies.
2. In the main return air and exhaust air plenum of
each air-conditioning system having a capacity
greater than 2,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm)
(0.94 m3/s). Such detectors shall be located in a
serviceable area downstream of the last duct inlet.
3. At each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving
two or more stories from a return air duct or
plenum of an air-conditioning system. In Group
R-1 and R-2 occupancies a listed smoke detector is
allowed to be used in each return air riser carrying
not more than 5,000 cfm (2.4m3/s) and serving not
more than 10 air inlet openings.

Emergency voice/alarm communication
system. The operation of any automatic fire detector,
sprinkler water-flow device or manual fire alarm box
shall automatically sound an alert tone followed by voice
instructions giving approved information and directions
for a general or staged evacuation on a minimum of the
alarming floor, the floor above and the floor below in
accordance with the building’s fire safety and evacuation
plans required by Section 404 of the International Fire
Code. Speakers shall be provided throughout the building
by paging zones. As a minimum, paging zones shall
be provided as follows:
1. Elevator groups.
2. Exit stairways.
3. Each floor.
4. Areas of refuge as defined in Section 1002.1.
Exception: In Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies, the
alarm shall sound in a constantly attended area and a
general occupant notification shall be broadcast over
the overhead page.

Manual override. A manual override
for emergency voice communication shall be
provided on a selective and all-call basis for all paging

Live voice messages. The emergency
voice/alarm communication system shall also
have the capability to broadcast live voice messages
through paging zones on a selective and all-call basis.

Standard. The emergency voice/
alarm communication system shall be designed and
installed in accordance with NFPA 72.

Fire department communication system.
An approved two-way, fire department communication
system designed and installed in accordance with
NFPA 72 shall be provided for fire department use. It
shall operate between a fire command center complying
with Section 911 and elevators, elevator lobbies, emergency
and standby power rooms, fire pump rooms, areas
of refuge and inside enclosed exit stairways. The fire
department communication device shall be provided at
each floor level within the enclosed stairway.
Exception: Fire department radio systems where
approved by the fire department.

International Building Code 907.2.12.1

Automatic fire detection. Smoke detectors
shall be provided in accordance with this section.
Smoke detectors shall be connected to an automatic fire
alarm system. The activation of any detector required by
this section shall operate the emergency voice/alarm
communication system. Smoke detectors shall be
located as follows:
1. In each mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer,
telephone equipment or similar room
which is not provided with sprinkler protection,
elevator machine rooms and in elevator lobbies.
2. In the main return air and exhaust air plenum of
each air-conditioning system having a capacity
greater than 2,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm)
(0.94 m3/s). Such detectors shall be located in a
serviceable area downstream of the last duct inlet.
3. At each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving
two or more stories from a return air duct or
plenum of an air-conditioning system. In Group
R-1 and R-2 occupancies a listed smoke detector is
allowed to be used in each return air riser carrying
not more than 5,000 cfm (2.4m3/s) and serving not
more than 10 air inlet openings.

International Building Code 907.2.12.2

Emergency voice/alarm communication
system. The operation of any automatic fire detector,
sprinkler water-flow device or manual fire alarm box
shall automatically sound an alert tone followed by voice
instructions giving approved information and directions
for a general or staged evacuation on a minimum of the
alarming floor, the floor above and the floor below in
accordance with the building’s fire safety and evacuation
plans required by Section 404 of the International Fire
Code. Speakers shall be provided throughout the building
by paging zones. As a minimum, paging zones shall
be provided as follows:
1. Elevator groups.
2. Exit stairways.
3. Each floor.
4. Areas of refuge as defined in Section 1002.1.
Exception: In Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies, the
alarm shall sound in a constantly attended area and a
general occupant notification shall be broadcast over
the overhead page.

Manual override. A manual override
for emergency voice communication shall be
provided on a selective and all-call basis for all paging

Live voice messages. The emergency
voice/alarm communication system shall also
have the capability to broadcast live voice messages
through paging zones on a selective and all-call basis.

Standard. The emergency voice/
alarm communication system shall be designed and
installed in accordance with NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.

Manual override. A manual override
for emergency voice communication shall be
provided on a selective and all-call basis for all paging

International Building Code 907.

Live voice messages. The emergency
voice/alarm communication system shall also
have the capability to broadcast live voice messages
through paging zones on a selective and all-call basis.

International Building Code 907.

Standard. The emergency voice/
alarm communication system shall be designed and
installed in accordance with NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.2.12.3

Fire department communication system.
An approved two-way, fire department communication
system designed and installed in accordance with
NFPA 72 shall be provided for fire department use. It
shall operate between a fire command center complying
with Section 911 and elevators, elevator lobbies, emergency
and standby power rooms, fire pump rooms, areas
of refuge and inside enclosed exit stairways. The fire
department communication device shall be provided at
each floor level within the enclosed stairway.
Exception: Fire department radio systems where
approved by the fire department.

International Building Code 907.2.13

Atriums connecting more than two stories.
Afire alarm system shall be installed in occupancies with an
atrium that connects more than two stories. The system shall
be activated in accordance with Section 907.6. Such occupancies
in Group A, E orMshall be provided with an emer-
gency voice/alarm communication system complying with
the requirements of Section 907.2.12.2.

International Building Code 907.2.14

High-piled combustible storage areas. An
automatic fire detection system shall be installed throughout
high-piled combustible storage areas where required by
the International Fire Code.

International Building Code 907.2.15

Delayed egress locks. Where delayed egress
locks are installed on means of egress doors in accordance
with Section 1008.1.8.6, an automatic smoke or heat detection
system shall be installed as required by that section.

International Building Code 907.2.16

Aerosol storage uses. Aerosol storage rooms
and general-purpose warehouses containing aerosols shall
be provided with an approved manual fire alarm system
where required by the International Fire Code.

International Building Code 907.2.17

Lumber, wood structural panel and veneer
mills. Lumber, wood structural panel and veneer mills shall
be provided with a manual fire alarm system.

International Building Code 907.2.18

Underground buildings with smoke exhaust
system. Where a smoke exhaust system is installed in an
underground building in accordance with this code, automatic
fire detectors shall be provided in accordance with
this section.

Smoke detectors. A minimum of one
smoke detector listed for the intended purpose shall be
installed in the following areas:
1. Mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer,
telephone equipment, elevator machine or similar
2. Elevator lobbies.
3. The main return and exhaust air plenum of each
air-conditioning system serving more than one
story and located in a serviceable area downstream
of the last duct inlet.
4. Each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving
two or more floors from return air ducts or plenums
of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
systems, except that in Group R occupancies, a
listed smoke detector is allowed to be used in each
return air riser carrying not more than 5,000 cfm
(2.4 m3/s) and serving not more than 10 air inlet

Alarm required. Activation of the smoke
exhaust system shall activate an audible alarm at a constantly
attended location.

International Building Code 907.2.18.1

Smoke detectors. A minimum of one
smoke detector listed for the intended purpose shall be
installed in the following areas:
1. Mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer,
telephone equipment, elevator machine or similar
2. Elevator lobbies.
3. The main return and exhaust air plenum of each
air-conditioning system serving more than one
story and located in a serviceable area downstream
of the last duct inlet.
4. Each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving
two or more floors from return air ducts or plenums
of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
systems, except that in Group R occupancies, a
listed smoke detector is allowed to be used in each
return air riser carrying not more than 5,000 cfm
(2.4 m3/s) and serving not more than 10 air inlet

International Building Code 907.2.18.2

Alarm required. Activation of the smoke
exhaust system shall activate an audible alarm at a constantly
attended location.

International Building Code 907.2.19

Underground buildings. Where the lowest
level of a structure is more than 60 feet (18 288 mm) below
the lowest level of exit discharge, the structure shall be
equipped throughout with a manual fire alarm system,
including an emergency voice/alarm communication system
installed in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2.

Public address system. Where a fire
alarm system is not required by Section 907.2, a public
address system shall be provided that shall be capable of
transmitting voice communications to the highest level
of exit discharge serving the underground portions of the
structure and all levels below.

International Building Code 907.2.19.1

Public address system. Where a fire
alarm system is not required by Section 907.2, a public
address system shall be provided that shall be capable of
transmitting voice communications to the highest level
of exit discharge serving the underground portions of the
structure and all levels below.

International Building Code 907.2.2

Group B. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group B occupancies having an occupant load
of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
below the lowest level of exit discharge.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances
will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

International Building Code 907.2.20

Covered mall buildings. Covered mall buildings
exceeding 50,000 square feet (4645 m2) in total floor
area shall be provided with an emergency voice/alarm communication
system. An emergency voice/alarm communication
system serving a mall, required or otherwise, shall be
accessible to the fire department. The system shall be provided
in accordance with Section 907.2.12.2.

International Building Code 907.2.21

Residential aircraft hangars. A minimum of
one listed smoke alarm shall be installed within a residential
aircraft hangar as defined in Section 412.3.1 and shall be
interconnected into the residential smoke alarm or other
sounding device to provide an alarm that will be audible in
all sleeping areas of the dwelling.

International Building Code 907.2.22

Airport traffic control towers. An automatic
fire detection system shall be provided in airport traffic control

International Building Code 907.2.23

Battery rooms. An approved automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed in areas containing
stationary storage battery systems having a liquid capacity
of more than 50 gallons (189.3 L). The detection system
shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or
remote station service or a local alarm that will sound an
audible signal at a constantly attended location.

International Building Code 907.2.3

Group E. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group E occupancies. When automatic sprinkler
systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems
or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm
1. Group E occupancies with an occupant load of less
than 50.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required in Group
E occupancies where all the following apply:
2.1. Interior corridors are protected by smoke
detectors with alarm verification.
2.2. Auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums and
the like are protected by heat detectors or
other approved detection devices.
2.3. Shops and laboratories involving dusts or
vapors are protected by heat detectors or
other approved detection devices.
2.4. Off-premises monitoring is provided.
2.5. The capability to activate the evacuation
signal from a central point is provided.
2.6. In buildings where normally occupied
spaces are provided with a two-way communication
system between such spaces
and a constantly attended receiving station
from where a general evacuation alarm can
be sounded, except in locations specifically
designated by the fire code official.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in
Group E occupancies where the building is
equipped throughout with an approved automatic
sprinkler system, the notification appliances will
activate on sprinkler water flow and manual activation
is provided from a normally occupied location.

International Building Code 907.2.4

Group F. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group F occupancies that are two or more stories
in height and have an occupant load of 500 or more
above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
when the building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the notification appliances
will activate upon sprinkler water flow.

International Building Code 907.2.5

Group H. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group H-5 occupancies and in occupancies used
for the manufacture of organic coatings. An automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed for highly toxic
gases, organic peroxides and oxidizers in accordance with
Chapters 37, 39 and 40, respectively, of the International
Fire Code.

International Building Code 907.2.6

Group I. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group I occupancies. An electrically supervised,
automatic smoke detection system shall be provided
in accordance with Sections 907.2.6.1 and 907.2.6.2.
Exception: Manual fire alarm boxes in resident or
patient sleeping areas of Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies
shall not be required at exits if located at all nurses’ control
stations or other constantly attended staff locations,
provided such stations are visible and continuously
accessible and that travel distances required in Section
907.3.1 are not exceeded.

Group I-1. Corridors, habitable spaces
other than sleeping units and kitchens and waiting areas
that are open to corridors shall be equipped with an automatic
smoke detection system.
1. Smoke detection in habitable spaces is not
required where the facility is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system.
2. Smoke detection is not required for exterior

Group I-2. Corridors in nursing homes (both
intermediate care and skilled nursing facilities), detoxification
facilities and spaces permitted to be open to the corridors
by Section 407.2 shall be equippedwith an automatic
fire detection system. Hospitals shall be equipped with
smoke detection as required in Section 407.2.
1. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain patient sleeping
units where patient sleeping units are provided
with smoke detectors that comply with
UL 268. Such detectors shall provide a visual
display on the corridor side of each patient
sleeping unit and an audible and visual alarm at
the nursing station attending each unit.
2. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain patient sleeping
units where patient sleeping unit doors are
equipped with automatic door-closing devices
with integral smoke detectors on the unit sides
installed in accordance with their listing, provided
that the integral detectors perform the
required alerting function.

Group I-3. Group I-3 occupancies shall be
equipped with a manual and automatic fire alarm system
installed for alerting staff.

System initiation. Actuation of an
automatic fire-extinguishing system, a manual fire
alarm box or a fire detector shall initiate an approved
fire alarm signal which automatically notifies staff.
Presignal systems shall not be used.

Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual
fire alarm boxes are not required to be located in
accordance with Section 907.3 where the fire alarm
boxes are provided at staff-attended locations having
direct supervision over areas where manual fire alarm
boxes have been omitted.
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be
locked in areas occupied by detainees, provided that
staff members are present within the subject area and
have keys readily available to operate the manual fire
alarm boxes.

Smoke detectors. An approved automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed
throughout resident housing areas, including sleeping
units and contiguous day rooms, group activity spaces
and other common spaces normally accessible to residents.
1. Other approved smoke detection arrangements
providing equivalent protection
including, but not limited to, placing detectors
in exhaust ducts from cells or behind
protective guards listed for the purpose are
allowed when necessary to prevent damage
or tampering.
2. Sleeping units in Use Conditions 2 and 3.
3. Smoke detectors are not required in sleeping
units with four or fewer occupants in smoke
compartments that are equipped throughout
with an approved automatic sprinkler system.

International Building Code 907.2.6.1

Group I-1. Corridors, habitable spaces
other than sleeping units and kitchens and waiting areas
that are open to corridors shall be equipped with an automatic
smoke detection system.
1. Smoke detection in habitable spaces is not
required where the facility is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system.
2. Smoke detection is not required for exterior

International Building Code 907.2.6.2

Group I-2. Corridors in nursing homes (both
intermediate care and skilled nursing facilities), detoxification
facilities and spaces permitted to be open to the corridors
by Section 407.2 shall be equippedwith an automatic
fire detection system. Hospitals shall be equipped with
smoke detection as required in Section 407.2.
1. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain patient sleeping
units where patient sleeping units are provided
with smoke detectors that comply with
UL 268. Such detectors shall provide a visual
display on the corridor side of each patient
sleeping unit and an audible and visual alarm at
the nursing station attending each unit.
2. Corridor smoke detection is not required in
smoke compartments that contain patient sleeping
units where patient sleeping unit doors are
equipped with automatic door-closing devices
with integral smoke detectors on the unit sides
installed in accordance with their listing, provided
that the integral detectors perform the
required alerting function.

International Building Code 907.2.6.3

Group I-3. Group I-3 occupancies shall be
equipped with a manual and automatic fire alarm system
installed for alerting staff.

System initiation. Actuation of an
automatic fire-extinguishing system, a manual fire
alarm box or a fire detector shall initiate an approved
fire alarm signal which automatically notifies staff.
Presignal systems shall not be used.

Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual
fire alarm boxes are not required to be located in
accordance with Section 907.3 where the fire alarm
boxes are provided at staff-attended locations having
direct supervision over areas where manual fire alarm
boxes have been omitted.
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be
locked in areas occupied by detainees, provided that
staff members are present within the subject area and
have keys readily available to operate the manual fire
alarm boxes.

Smoke detectors. An approved automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed
throughout resident housing areas, including sleeping
units and contiguous day rooms, group activity spaces
and other common spaces normally accessible to residents.
1. Other approved smoke detection arrangements
providing equivalent protection
including, but not limited to, placing detectors
in exhaust ducts from cells or behind
protective guards listed for the purpose are
allowed when necessary to prevent damage
or tampering.
2. Sleeping units in Use Conditions 2 and 3.
3. Smoke detectors are not required in sleeping
units with four or fewer occupants in smoke
compartments that are equipped throughout
with an approved automatic sprinkler system.

International Building Code 907.

System initiation. Actuation of an
automatic fire-extinguishing system, a manual fire
alarm box or a fire detector shall initiate an approved
fire alarm signal which automatically notifies staff.
Presignal systems shall not be used.

International Building Code 907.

Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual
fire alarm boxes are not required to be located in
accordance with Section 907.3 where the fire alarm
boxes are provided at staff-attended locations having
direct supervision over areas where manual fire alarm
boxes have been omitted.
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be
locked in areas occupied by detainees, provided that
staff members are present within the subject area and
have keys readily available to operate the manual fire
alarm boxes.

International Building Code 907.

Smoke detectors. An approved automatic
smoke detection system shall be installed
throughout resident housing areas, including sleeping
units and contiguous day rooms, group activity spaces
and other common spaces normally accessible to residents.
1. Other approved smoke detection arrangements
providing equivalent protection
including, but not limited to, placing detectors
in exhaust ducts from cells or behind
protective guards listed for the purpose are
allowed when necessary to prevent damage
or tampering.
2. Sleeping units in Use Conditions 2 and 3.
3. Smoke detectors are not required in sleeping
units with four or fewer occupants in smoke
compartments that are equipped throughout
with an approved automatic sprinkler system.

International Building Code 907.2.7

Group M. A manual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group M occupancies having an occupant load
of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
below the lowest level of exit discharge. The initiation of a
signal from a manual fire alarm box shall initiate alarm notification
appliances as required by Section 907.9.
1. Covered mall buildings complying with Section
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required where the
building is equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system and the alarm notification appliances
will automatically activate upon sprinkler
water flow.

Occupant notification. During times that
the building is occupied, the initiation of a signal from a
manual fire alarm box or from a water flow switch shall
not be required to activate the alarm notification appliances
when an alarm signal is activated at a constantly
attended location from which evacuation instructions
shall be initiated over an emergency voice/alarm communication
system installed in accordance with Section
The emergency voice/alarm communication system
shall be allowed to be used for other announcements provided
the manual fire alarm use takes precedence over
any other use.

International Building Code 907.2.7.1

Occupant notification. During times that
the building is occupied, the initiation of a signal from a
manual fire alarm box or from a water flow switch shall
not be required to activate the alarm notification appliances
when an alarm signal is activated at a constantly
attended location from which evacuation instructions
shall be initiated over an emergency voice/alarm communication
system installed in accordance with Section
The emergency voice/alarm communication system
shall be allowed to be used for other announcements provided
the manual fire alarm use takes precedence over
any other use.

International Building Code 907.2.8

Group R-1. Fire alarm systems shall be
installed in Group R-1 occupancies as required in Sections
907.2.8.1 through 907.2.8.3.

Manual fire alarm system. A manual fire
alarm system shall be installed in Group R-1 occupancies.
1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
buildings not more than two stories in height
where all individual sleeping units and contiguous
attic and crawl spaces are separated from
each other and public or common areas by at
least 1-hour fire partitions and each individual
sleeping unit has an exit directly to a public
way, exit court or yard.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
throughout the building when the following
conditions are met:
2.1. The building is equipped throughout with
an automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
2.2. The notification appliances will activate
upon sprinkler water flow; and
2.3. At least one manual fire alarm box is
installed at an approved location.

Automatic fire alarm system. An automatic
fire alarm system shall be installed throughout all
interior corridors serving sleeping units.
Exception: An automatic fire detection system is not
required in buildings that do not have interior corridors
serving sleeping units and where each sleeping
unit has a means of egress door opening directly to an
exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit.

Smoke alarms. Smoke alarms shall be
installed as required by Section 907.2.10. In buildings
that are not equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the smoke alarms in sleeping
units shall be connected to an emergency electrical system
and shall be annunciated by sleeping unit at a constantly
attended location from which the fire alarm
system is capable of being manually activated.

International Building Code 907.2.8.1

Manual fire alarm system. A manual fire
alarm system shall be installed in Group R-1 occupancies.
1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in
buildings not more than two stories in height
where all individual sleeping units and contiguous
attic and crawl spaces are separated from
each other and public or common areas by at
least 1-hour fire partitions and each individual
sleeping unit has an exit directly to a public
way, exit court or yard.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
throughout the building when the following
conditions are met:
2.1. The building is equipped throughout with
an automatic sprinkler system installed in
accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or
2.2. The notification appliances will activate
upon sprinkler water flow; and
2.3. At least one manual fire alarm box is
installed at an approved location.

International Building Code 907.2.8.2

Automatic fire alarm system. An automatic
fire alarm system shall be installed throughout all
interior corridors serving sleeping units.
Exception: An automatic fire detection system is not
required in buildings that do not have interior corridors
serving sleeping units and where each sleeping
unit has a means of egress door opening directly to an
exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit.

International Building Code 907.2.8.3

Smoke alarms. Smoke alarms shall be
installed as required by Section 907.2.10. In buildings
that are not equipped throughout with an automatic
sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the smoke alarms in sleeping
units shall be connected to an emergency electrical system
and shall be annunciated by sleeping unit at a constantly
attended location from which the fire alarm
system is capable of being manually activated.

International Building Code 907.2.9

Group R-2.Amanual fire alarm system shall be
installed in Group R-2 occupancies where:
1. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located three or
more stories above the lowest level of exit discharge;
2. Any dwelling unit or sleeping unit is located more
than one story below the highest level of exit discharge
of exits serving the dwelling unit or sleeping
unit; or
3. The building contains more than 16 dwelling units or
sleeping units.
1. A fire alarm system is not required in buildings
not more than two stories in height
where all dwelling units or sleeping units
and contiguous attic and crawl spaces are
separated from each other and public or
common areas by at least 1-hour fire partitions
and each dwelling unit or sleeping unit
has an exit directly to a public way, exit court
or yard.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required
throughout the building when the following
conditions are met:
2.1. The building is equipped throughout
with an automatic sprinkler system
in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or Section 903.3.1.2; and
2.2. The notification appliances will activate
upon sprinkler flow.
3. A fire alarm system is not required in buildings
that do not have interior corridors serving
dwelling units and are protected by an
approved automatic sprinkler system
installed in accordance with Section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, provided that dwelling
units either have a means of egress door
opening directly to an exterior exit access
that leads directly to the exits or are served
by open-ended corridors designed in accordance
with Section 1023.6, Exception 4.

International Building Code 907.3

Manual fire alarm boxes. Manual fire alarm boxes
shall be installed in accordance with Sections 907.3.1 through

Location. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be
located not more than 5 feet (1524 mm) from the entrance to
each exit. Additional manual fire alarm boxes shall be
located so that travel distance to the nearest box does not
exceed 200 feet (60 960 mm).

Height. The height of the manual fire alarm
boxes shall be a minimum of 42 inches (1067 mm) and a
maximum of 48 inches (1219 mm), measured vertically,
from the floor level to the activating handle or lever of the

Color. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be red in

Signs. Where fire alarm systems are not monitored
by a supervising station, an approved permanent sign
shall be installed adjacent to each manual fire alarm box that
Exception: Where the manufacturer has permanently
provided this information on the manual fire alarm box.

Protective covers. The fire code official is
authorized to require the installation of listed manual fire
alarm box protective covers to prevent malicious false
alarms or to provide the manual fire alarm box with protection
from physical damage. The protective cover shall be
transparent or red in color with a transparent face to permit
visibility of the manual fire alarm box. Each cover shall
include proper operating instructions. A protective cover
that emits a local alarm signal shall not be installed unless

International Building Code 907.3.1

Location. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be
located not more than 5 feet (1524 mm) from the entrance to
each exit. Additional manual fire alarm boxes shall be
located so that travel distance to the nearest box does not
exceed 200 feet (60 960 mm).

International Building Code 907.3.2

Height. The height of the manual fire alarm
boxes shall be a minimum of 42 inches (1067 mm) and a
maximum of 48 inches (1219 mm), measured vertically,
from the floor level to the activating handle or lever of the

International Building Code 907.3.3

Color. Manual fire alarm boxes shall be red in

International Building Code 907.3.4

Signs. Where fire alarm systems are not monitored
by a supervising station, an approved permanent sign
shall be installed adjacent to each manual fire alarm box that
Exception: Where the manufacturer has permanently
provided this information on the manual fire alarm box.

International Building Code 907.3.5

Protective covers. The fire code official is
authorized to require the installation of listed manual fire
alarm box protective covers to prevent malicious false
alarms or to provide the manual fire alarm box with protection
from physical damage. The protective cover shall be
transparent or red in color with a transparent face to permit
visibility of the manual fire alarm box. Each cover shall
include proper operating instructions. A protective cover
that emits a local alarm signal shall not be installed unless

International Building Code 907.4

Power supply. The primary and secondary power
supplies for the fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance
with NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.5

Wiring.Wiring shall comply with the requirements
of the ICC Electrical Code and NFPA 72. Wireless protection
systems utilizing radio-frequency transmitting devices shall
comply with the special requirements for supervision of
low-power wireless systems in NFPA 72.

International Building Code 907.6

Activation. Where an alarm notification system is
required by another section of this code, it shall be activated by:
1. A required automatic fire alarm system.
2. Sprinkler water-flow devices.
3. Required manual fire alarm boxes.

International Building Code 907.7

Presignal system. Presignal systems shall not be
installed unless approved by the fire code official and the fire
department. Where a presignal system is installed, 24-hour
personnel supervision shall be provided at a location approved
by the fire department, in order that the alarm signal can be
actuated in the event of fire or other emergency.

International Building Code 907.8

Zones. Each floor shall be zoned separately and a
zone shall not exceed 22,500 square feet (2090 m2). The length
of any zone shall not exceed 300 feet (91 440 mm) in any direction.
Exception: Automatic sprinkler system zones shall not
exceed the area permitted by NFPA 13.

Zoning indicator panel. A zoning indicator
panel and the associated controls shall be provided in an
approved location. The visual zone indication shall lock in
until the system is reset and shall not be canceled by the
operation of an audible alarm-silencing switch.

High-rise buildings. In buildings with a floor
used for human occupancy that is located more than 75 feet
(22 860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle
access, a separate zone by floor shall be provided for all
of the following types of alarm-initiating devices where provided:
1. Smoke detectors.
2. Sprinkler water-flow devices.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes.
4. Other approved types of automatic fire detection
devices or suppression systems.

International Building Code 907.8.1

Zoning indicator panel. A zoning indicator
panel and the associated controls shall be provided in an
approved location. The visual zone indication shall lock in
until the system is reset and shall not be canceled by the
operation of an audible alarm-silencing switch.

International Building Code 907.8.2

High-rise buildings. In buildings with a floor
used for human occupancy that is located more than 75 feet
(22 860 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle
access, a separate zone by floor shall be provided for all
of the following types of alarm-initiating devices where provided:
1. Smoke detectors.
2. Sprinkler water-flow devices.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes.
4. Other approved types of automatic fire detection
devices or suppression systems.

International Building Code 907.9

Alarm notification appliances. Alarm notification
appliances shall be provided and shall be listed for their purpose.

Visible alarms. Visible alarm notification
appliances shall be provided in accordance with Sections
907.9.1.1 through 907.9.1.4.
1. Visible alarm notification appliances are not
required in alterations, except where an existing
fire alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new
fire alarm system is installed.
2. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be
required in exits as defined in Section 1002.1.

Public and common areas. Visible alarm
notification appliances shall be provided in public areas
and common areas.

Employee work areas. Where employee
work areas have audible alarm coverage, the notification
appliance circuits serving the employee work areas shall
be initially designed with a minimum of 20 percent spare
capacity to account for the potential of adding visible
notification appliances in the future to accommodate
hearing impaired employees.

Groups I-1 and R-1. Group I-1 and R-1
sleeping units in accordance with Table 907.9.1.3 shall
be provided with a visible alarm notification appliance,
activated by both the in-room smoke alarm and the building
fire alarm system.

Group R-2. In Group R-2 occupancies
required by Section 907 to have a fire alarm system, all
dwelling units and sleeping units shall be provided with
the capability to support visible alarm notification appliances
in accordance with ICC A117.1.

Audible alarms. Audible alarm notification
appliances shall be provided and shall sound a distinctive
sound that is not to be used for any purpose other than that of
a fire alarm. The audible alarm notification appliances shall
provide a sound pressure level of 15 decibels (dBA) above
the average ambient sound level or 5 dBA above the maximum
sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds,
whichever is greater, in every occupied space within the
building. The minimum sound pressure levels shall be: 70
dBA in occupancies in Groups R and I-1; 90 dBA in
mechanical equipment rooms and 60 dBAin other occupancies.
The maximum sound pressure level for audible alarm
notification appliances shall be 120 dBA at the minimum
hearing distance from the audible appliance. Where the
average ambient noise is greater than 105 dBA, visible
alarm notification appliances shall be provided in accordance
with NFPA 72 and audible alarm notification appliances
shall not be required.
Exception: Visible alarm notification appliances shall
be allowed in lieu of audible alarm notification appliances
in critical-care areas of Group I-2 occupancies.

International Building Code 907.9.1

Visible alarms. Visible alarm notification
appliances shall be provided in accordance with Sections
907.9.1.1 through 907.9.1.4.
1. Visible alarm notification appliances are not
required in alterations, except where an existing
fire alarm system is upgraded or replaced, or a new
fire alarm system is installed.
2. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be
required in exits as defined in Section 1002.1.

Public and common areas. Visible alarm
notification appliances shall be provided in public areas
and common areas.

Employee work areas. Where employee
work areas have audible alarm coverage, the notification
appliance circuits serving the employee work areas shall
be initially designed with a minimum of 20 percent spare
capacity to account for the potential of adding visible
notification appliances in the future to accommodate
hearing impaired employees.

Groups I-1 and R-1. Group I-1 and R-1
sleeping units in accordance with Table 907.9.1.3 shall
be provided with a visible alarm notification appliance,
activated by both the in-room smoke alarm and the building
fire alarm system.

Group R-2. In Group R-2 occupancies
required by Section 907 to have a fire alarm system, all
dwelling units and sleeping units shall be provided with
the capability to support visible alarm notification appliances
in accordance with ICC A117.1.

International Building Code 907.9.1.1

Public and common areas. Visible alarm
notification appliances shall be provided in public areas
and common areas.

International Building Code 907.9.1.2

Employee work areas. Where employee
work areas have audible alarm coverage, the notification
appliance circuits serving the employee work areas shall
be initially designed with a minimum of 20 percent spare
capacity to account for the potential of adding visible
notification appliances in the future to accommodate
hearing impaired employees.

International Building Code 907.9.1.3

Groups I-1 and R-1. Group I-1 and R-1
sleeping units in accordance with Table 907.9.1.3 shall
be provided with a visible alarm notification appliance,
activated by both the in-room smoke alarm and the building
fire alarm system.

International Building Code 907.9.1.4

Group R-2. In Group R-2 occupancies
required by Section 907 to have a fire alarm system, all
dwelling units and sleeping units shall be provided with
the capability to support visible alarm notification appliances
in accordance with ICC A117.1.

International Building Code 907.9.2

Audible alarms. Audible alarm notification
appliances shall be provided and shall sound a distinctive
sound that is not to be used for any purpose other than that of
a fire alarm. The audible alarm notification appliances shall
provide a sound pressure level of 15 decibels (dBA) above
the average ambient sound level or 5 dBA above the maximum
sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds,
whichever is greater, in every occupied space within the
building. The minimum sound pressure levels shall be: 70
dBA in occupancies in Groups R and I-1; 90 dBA in
mechanical equipment rooms and 60 dBAin other occupancies.
The maximum sound pressure level for audible alarm
notification appliances shall be 120 dBA at the minimum
hearing distance from the audible appliance. Where the
average ambient noise is greater than 105 dBA, visible
alarm notification appliances shall be provided in accordance
with NFPA 72 and audible alarm notification appliances
shall not be required.
Exception: Visible alarm notification appliances shall
be allowed in lieu of audible alarm notification appliances
in critical-care areas of Group I-2 occupancies.